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Q: What were Principal farmers of the edo period?
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Japanese farmers in Edo Period grew?


What did farmers grow in the edo period?

rice and wheat

Were the samurai paid in the Edo period?

eys the samurai were paid in the edo period but they had to find their own work during the edo period for expample some took up jobs as farmers or other jobs but not as a samurai

When was the Edo Period?

The Edo (or Tokugawa) Period lasted from roughly 1603 until 1868.

What was the edo period?

The Edo Period lasted roughly from 1603 to 1868. It was the time of the Tokugawa Bakufu. This period was called the Edo Period because Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Tokugawa shogun, established his capital in Edo (Present day Tokyo.)

What in the Edo period did shogun's live in?

The Shogun of the Tokugawa Bakufu lived in Edo Castle.

What was Edo?

Edo was the capital of Japan during the Tokugawa Period. It is now known as Tokyo.

How did isolation during the edo period lead to changes in samurai?

how did samurai's change during the edo  

What is Japan's edo period?

The Edo Period, also known as the Tokugawa Period, was the period in time in which the Tokugawa Shogunate controlled Japan. This period lasted roughly from 1603-1868. It began with the coming to power of Tokugawa Ieyasu and ended with the Meiji Restoration.

What is the period of Japan's greatest isolation?

The edo period from 1603-1867

What are the differences between the edo period of japan and the meiji period and what are the characteristics of the times worldview values economics knowledge societal structure and culture?

Edo was much better than Meiji at the time, until Emperor Meiji took over. The edo period used the feudal system, while everyone was commoners in the meiji. The edo period had the shoguns and bakufus in control but the meiji had an emperor.

What did the samurai do in the edo period?

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