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Q: What were achievements of Hellenistic age scientist?
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What scientific achievements did the Hellenistic age have?


Three changes in the arts and philosophy during the Hellenistic age?

During the Hellenistic age agriculture was primary, centers for manufacturing shifted, and new opportunities for women. Some achievements in art that occurred were sculptors moved from idealism to a more emotional and realistic art. Some achievements in philosophy were epicureanism, and stoicism.

Who was the most famous scientist of the Hellenistic era?

The famous scientist of the Hellenistic era was Archimedes.

Who was the most famous scientist of the Hellenistic period?


In what areas did important achievements develop during the Hellenistic period?

in mathematics and science

What is the difference between the golden age and the Hellenistic age?

The Hellenistic age was a terrible time and the golden age was a great time of wealth and riches

How were comedies in the Hellenistic Era and in Greece's Golden age similar and different?

Philosophers and scientist in the Hellenistic Age introduced new ideas and major discoveries

What the Hellenistic era produced?

The Hellenistic Era was a rich new age in Ancient Greek.It was after Alexander the Great died.It was a blend of Persians,Egyptians,Indian,and Greek.These cultures mixed in this age,such as marriages between cultures.Dress,customs, and even religion was shared.Philosophers,mathamaticains,and scientist continued to advance in their work, too.

In what fields did Hellenistic scientist make advances?


Who taught Alexander the Great the philosophy of the Hellenistic Age including stoicism?

The Hellenistic Age is a period after the death of Alexander the Great.

Astronomer in the Hellenistic age?


A landmark of the Hellenistic Age is the?

the parthenon