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miricals that saint Patrick performed:

  • he drove all of the snakes out of Ireland
  • he made Ireland a christain society
  • he was awesomly cool in what he does
  • he wanted to share his faith with everyone
  • he listened to the voice from God and had special influence
  • he was a saint
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Q: What were all the miracles that St. Patrick performed?
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A:We have no reliable evidence that Saint Mark ever performed any miracles.

What were the three miracles that St. Patrick did to become a saint?

St. Patrick became a saint by popular acclamation and approval of a local bishop long before the canonization process that requires miracles to prove the person is actually in Heaven was instituted.

What did St. Patrick teach?

St. Patrick is known for spreading Christianity in Ireland and is credited with using the three-leafed shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity. He is also believed to have performed miracles and baptized many people during his time as a missionary.

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We have no record of any miracles performed by St. Monica. What's more, saints do not 'perform' miracles. Saints act as a channel for God to work miracles.

What reptiles did St Patrick supposedly drive out of Ireland?

St Patrick drove all snakes out of Ireland.

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St. John the Apostle is often associated with the miracle of raising a man from the dead, who was believed to have died from illness. Additionally, it is said that he was able to heal the sick and perform other acts of healing during his time as an apostle.

What good deeds did St. Patrick do?

St. Patrick is known for bringing Christianity to Ireland and for spreading the message of love and forgiveness. He also performed many miracles, such as driving out snakes from Ireland and converting the pagan people to Christianity. Additionally, he is credited with establishing monasteries, churches, and schools, and for his dedication to serving the Irish people.

How many miracles does the gospel of mark record?

I have been able to find nineteen miracles in the Gospel According to St Mark. These include the voice out of heaven at the baptism of Jesus, the Transfiguration and the various miracles performed by Jesus. In this I have not counted minor miracles or those only referred to obliquely.

What are some of St. Bonaventure's miracles?

St. Bonaventure is said to have performed miracles such as healing the sick, multiplying food, and raising the dead. One of the most famous miracles attributed to him is restoring a child who had drowned back to life at Monta Corvino.

What were the two miracles that St Agnes performed to make her a saint?

St. Agnes is a "pre-congregational" saint. She was declared a saint before the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints came into being that required Rome to examine all evidence before a person could be declared a saint. Except for unproven legends, there is no written record of any miracles that could be attributed to the intercession of St. Agnes. When Agnes was proclaimed a saint, there was no official requirement that miracles be proven.

In Ireland are post offices open on St. Patrick's Day?

All post offices are closed in Ireland on St. Patrick's Day.