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they belive in burning people alive when they are close to being dead they just now it

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Q: What were beliefs of the Incas?
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What were the Incas beliefs and customs?

The Incas were highly intelligent ,and had fun.

How did the Incas win loyalty among conquered people?

the Incas allowed the conquered people keep their religious beliefs

Any beliefs that the Incas have?

yes there is one but they have only figured out half of it. It is like a mystery to the discoverrers of the ancient incas.

What were ancient Incas original values and beliefs?

cheese is cheese

What is Incas' beliefs?

They believed that when you die you would be a ghost and haunt people forever.

A study of how religious beliefs affected the behavior of the Ancient Incas in Peru?

cultural influences

What were the Incas main beliefs?

The Incas were polytheists (they had more than one god).The Incas also had used sacred objects, had held rituals on sacred locations.The Incas believed in afterlife. They cared deeply for their dead, whom they had embalmed before burial, mummified and had placed into tombs.That's it! : )

What helped to increase the loyalty of conquered peoples for the incas?

They allowed the conquered people to keep their religous beliefs.

What were the Incans main beliefs?

The Incas were polytheists (they had more than one god).The Incas had used sacred objects, had held rituals on sacred locations.The Incas believed in afterlife. They cared deeply for their dead, whom they had embalmed before burial, mummified and had placed into tombs.That's it! : )

What legacy did the Chavin empire culture pass down to the Incas?

The Chavin culture influenced the Incas by introducing complex religious beliefs, artistic styles, and architectural techniques. The Incas adopted and built upon these practices to establish their own flourishing empire. The Chavin legacy can be seen in the Incas' use of iconography, construction of religious sites, and development of a powerful centralized state.

Who did the Incas interact with?

incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody

What did incas were?

The Incas were clothes