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Depends on what you mean by "olden days". If we go back several hundred years schools were only for the nobles and they were tutored by monks in reading and writing. Coming forward to early America most children were taught to read and write with a little math. Usually, The Bible was used in the home to teach reading. In the colonies public schools were started and they were taught the basics. By 1789 public schools were established through out the United States. Most children didn't go much past 6th or 8th grade until recent times. Many children were put into apprenticeships to learn a trade instead of going to school. It wasn't until the 1920's that states required children to remain in school until 16 or 18 years old. By the 1930's curriculum revision programs were operating in 40 states and in many school districts. Experts asserted that schools would train wise consumers, stabilize the family, prepare future workers, reduce crime, and improve society.

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Q: What were children in the olden days taught?
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