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Q: What were common medical treatments and medicine for the Elizabethan Period?
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What were the beliefs behind some medical treatments in the Elizabethan period?

It was felt that bloodletting could rid the body of toxins and illnesses. Also, remedies were not well proven, with many different herbs and potions tried on an empirical basis only.

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Wilderness Medicine Period of training in hospital

How would you say arent in Elizabethan times?

If you mean to describe a time that was not Elizabethan, you could refer to the time before or after the Elizabethan era, such as the Tudor period or the Stuart period.

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There are some conventional medical treatments used to treat a broken back. Surgery is usually the first thing done, followed by complete bed rest for a period decided by your doctor.

What was medicane like in Elizabethan times?

Medicine was extremely limited during the Elizabethan times. This is because people did not question there surroundings because they were taught not to from religion. Natural remedies and prayers where the key ways to treat illness during this period, however limited surgery was available.

What do you mean by Elizabethan period?

This is the time period when Queen Elizabeth I was the monarch.

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The Elizabethan Period

What was the Elizabethan period like?

The Elizabethan period was between 1558 up to 1603. It was the golden age in English history and the height of the English Renaissance with flowering English poetry, literature, and music.

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What period was named for queen of England?

Elizabethan or Victorian.