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Q: What were consequences of the western expansion?
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Cause and effect of the Western Expansion?

yo mama was born and the world ended

What was the consequences of the native Americans who lived in the west?

When the western expansion started,people from the east began moving west. one of the great happenings during that time was the gold rush.the gold rush polluted waters and the enviroment as a result of the drill that people used to find gold.ative americans had a really hard time. that is one consequence Another is that the west had very few people and it was hard to find any people before the ages of the gold rush.

All quiet on the western fron what keeps tjaden from fearingthe consequences of disobeying Himmelstoss' orders in chapter4?

cuz hes boss like that like this if your cool give me a bad rating and ur not.

How did the expansion of the railroad influence the Westward expansion?

The expansion of the US railway system made private passenger transportation to the western territories allot cheaper, faster and easier for people who wished to settle in the western territories. The completion of the transcontinental railway system which was completed in 1869 allowed settlers to use the railways to reach destinations that previously were made by slow and often dangerous wagon trains. It also allowed for food and other supplies to be delivered to the west faster and it was less costly. Another factor was that settlers in the west could be better protected by the US Army who could use trains to move troops more rapidly.

As the western expansion was nearing completion in the late 1800's the United States turned it's attention to what?

the answer is strongly supported by my stiff erection which points trwards the answer labeled b. the development of cities- haha! "Nova Net out!"