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Q: What were convoys used for in World War 1?
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What convoys were used to?

In World War 1, the use of naval convoys by the British was reinstated. They used convoys to protect cargo ships from German U-Boats.

What links the World War 1 war at sea with the war on land?

Transporting war material across the sea; convoys.

How did the US transport troops and supplies overseas in World War 1?

protected ship convoys

What effect did the submarine have in World War 1?

Caused individual merchant/supply ships to get together in convoys.

What are the links between World War 1 and World War 2?

Both wars utilized Airplanes, tanks, artillery barrages, and Anti Submarine Convoys. Both wars used machine guns and snipers heavily, first wars were mass production was first used on all sides.

How and why did the US enter World War 1 Describe the role the US played in the war?

its massive navy stoped most German attacks on convoys of brtish ships and when

What role did the ships play in world war 1?

War ships played a minor role in world war one as the British had total control of the seas with their Grand Fleet but convoys played an important part in moving troops and supplies from the Americas to the battlefields of Europe.

In World War 1?

300,020 airplanes where used in World War 1

What were convoys used to do?

Convoys in WW1 were used to protect the merchant and troop ships coming to Britain, carrying food, ammunition and general supplies. The convoys comprised of a core of merchant ships (and sometimes Q-Boats, which were designed to be disguised as merchant ships, but had guns and depth charges to destroy U-boats) surrounded by navy ships, which guarded the merchant vessels. Some navy ships had hydrophones (a machine using radio waves to detect a U-boat under water.). They also went in a zig-zag route, to make it harder for the U-Boats to torpedo the ships.

Was dynamite used in war?

Yes it was used in World War 1 but it was stopped being used in World War 2

Did world war 1 have tanks?

Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.

Where horses or donkeys used in World War 2?

Mainly horses were used in World War 2. But donkeys were used in World War 1.