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The horn in animals that have horns is used for defense and for mating rights (i.e., the larger the horns on a buffalo, the more likely he is to mate with a harem of buffalo cows).

The horn on a vehicle is to alert pedestrians or other drivers that you, the driver, are there, or as an alarm system.

A horn (also called the French Horn) is also a musical instrument that is used to accompany an orchestra or wind ensemble in a musical piece that requires a horn to be played.

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Q: What were early horns used for?
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The horns. the horns are used to make medicine,ivory and horn horns

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They poach them for their horns. The horns are used for supposed medical use or sold for money.

What instrument was the french horn developed from?

It evolved out of hunting horns. Early natural horns had no valves, and could only change keys by changing the crooks (tuning slides).

What is a goal horn?

a goal horn is a horn that sounds off after a goal the home team scores. the most common types of horns used are train horns, boat horns, fog horns, barge horns and sometimes truck horns. they can be loud, but it depends on the amount of PSI they're fed.

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What do triceratop horns do?

no one known for sure, but some ideas are:triceratops' horns were used for defense; with the horns, triceratops can recognize others of its kind;the horns made triceratops look bigger NOTE:it's spelled "triceratops" not "tricreatop"