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Freed slaves at the end of the Civil War were immediately able to legally marry, establish their own families, and move about freely without fear of being owned as property. Additionally, they were able to seek paid employment and pursue education opportunities.

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Q: What were freed slaves at the end of the war immediately able to do?
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What Slaves freed at the end of the war were immediately able to?


What were slaves freed at the end of the war immediately able to do?


Slaves freed at the end of the war were immediately able to?

move away if they had resourses to do so

What were slaves freed at the end of the war able to do?

Some freed slaves were able to move on and find work and make a decent living for themselves and their families. Some freed slaves stayed on the plantations where they had worked before or moved to other plantations nearby. Many freed slaves did not know how to be free, so they caused problems by stealing and fighting.

What were freed slaves able to do at the end of the war?

Some freed slaves were able to move on and find work and make a decent living for themselves and their families. Some freed slaves stayed on the plantations where they had worked before or moved to other plantations nearby. Many freed slaves did not know how to be free, so they caused problems by stealing and fighting.

What were the Slaves freed at the end of the war were immediately able to?


Which US constitutional amendment freed the slaves at the end of the Civil War?

The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution freed the slaves.

Did the emancipation proclamation immediately free all the slaves?

No the emancipation proclamation did not free all slaves immediately. instead it freed very few people because the emancipation proclamation did not apply to slaves in the border states who were fighting for the union states. it also did not act upon the slaves in the south that were already under union control.

What did much to educate and provide jobs for newly freed slaves following the end of the Civil War.?

The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands was an American federal government agency that assisted newly freed slaves. The bureau encouraged freed slaves to find employment, assisted with finding lost family, and taught freed slaves to read and write.

Who forced Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves?

Nobody forced Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves, he just saw that slavery was not right so he wanted to end it.

Could Hebrew slaves be freed after seven years?

Hebrew servants must (not "could") be freed at the end of six years (Exodus ch.21).

Who were free African Americans at the end of the antebellum period?

were descendants of slaves freed around the early 1800s.