

What were living conditions like for slaves.?

Updated: 6/9/2022
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9y ago

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They touch the owners daughters and got them pregnant after they finish picking cotton.

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Annabell Hickle

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Q: What were living conditions like for slaves.?
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How were slaves being mistreated?

Slaves were often whiped, kicked, etc. Their living conditions were not good neither.

How was the life of the house slaves the same as the field slaves?

House slaves and field slaves both experienced harsh living conditions, long hours of labor, and physical punishment. However, house slaves often had slightly better living conditions and more interaction with their masters, while field slaves typically faced harder physical labor and were subject to harsher discipline.

What were the living conditions of slaves in the south?

Slaves in the South generally lived in crowded and basic accommodations. They often lived in small, simple cabins or quarters provided by their owners. Living conditions were harsh, with minimal privacy, poor sanitation, and inadequate nutrition. Many slaves also endured harsh working conditions and physical abuse.

What were living conditions like one for most slaves?

Most slaves in the 19th century lived in poor conditions, with overcrowded living quarters, lack of proper hygiene, and inadequate food. They often worked long hours in harsh and oppressive environments, facing physical and emotional abuse from their owners. Many slaves also suffered from poor health and limited access to medical care.

What was life like for North Carolina colonial slaves?

The life for North Carolina colonial slaves was not pleasant in any way. They were subjected to heavy work and poor living conditions among other evils.

What were the living conditions of slaves?

they got cloth one a year 115 min break.

Why did William wilberforce do what he did?

Because he was appalled by the conditions he found slaves living in, so that is why he campaigned

What was life like on a sugar plantation for slaves?

Life on a sugar plantation for slaves was characterized by harsh conditions, long hours of labor in the fields under the hot sun, and brutal treatment by overseers. Slaves faced physical abuse, inadequate living conditions, and minimal food and healthcare. Families were often separated, and resistance to the harsh conditions could result in severe punishment or death.

In what different ways did slaveholders obedience from their slaves?

the different ways that slaveholders encouraged obedience from their slaves was to offer them more food and better living conditions.

Describe working and living conditions of slaves?

Slaves faced harsh working conditions, including long hours, physical labor, and punishment for disobedience. They lived in crowded and unsanitary conditions, often in small, cramped quarters with minimal food and clothing provided. Slaves were subject to constant surveillance, control, and dehumanization by their owners.

Why was it hard for the slaves to fight diseases?

They were malnourished, sleep deprived and kept in unsanitary living conditions which were overcrowded.

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they were really hard living conditions