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Q: What were major initiatives did president hoover take to try to help the economy of the us?
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What 3 major initiatives did hoover take to help the economy of the US?

the New Deal was tring to give the economy jobs to work with

What major event happened in the 1930's while president hoover was president?

One major event that occurred in the 1930s during President Hoover's administration was the Great Depression. This economic crisis, triggered by the stock market crash of 1929, had severe consequences on the American economy and people's livelihoods. President Hoover's response to the crisis was criticized, as he was seen as not doing enough to alleviate the suffering of the American people.

One successful public works project begun under president Hoover was the?

Construction of a major dam on the Colorado River.

What 2 major strategies did president Hoover use to promote economic recovery?

In 1922 Hoover wrote a book American individualism, presented arguements that the government should not help out individual americans because it would not improve the economy. He called in " rugged individualism" By 1931, Hoover increased funding for public works, or goverment finianced building projects in hopes to give construction jobs to those jobs lost in the private sector.

What was president roosevelt progressive legislation called?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt's landmark progressive legislations are known as the New Deal. The New Deal included major initiatives and government spending to boost the economy from recession such as the Social Security and Works Progress Administration (SSA and WPA), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

Who were the two major party candidates for the presidency in 1932?

In the 1932 US presidential election, Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt ran against the incumbent president, Herbert Hoover, a Republican. Most voters blamed the Depression on Hoover so Roosevelt became the 32nd US president.

What major water project was built in the 1930 that put thousand of men to work during the great depression put thousands of men?

The Boulder Dam (now Hoover Dam in honor of then President Hoover who commissioned the project)

What did Hoover major in?

His degree at Stanford was in geology.

What major dams are found in the US?

Hoover Dam

What major issue did President Obama and the Democratic majority face after the 2008 election?

A weak economy, and an increasingly unpopular war in Iraq.

What major issue did the president Obama and the democratic majority face after the 2008 election?

A weak economy, and an increasingly unpopular war in Iraq.

What major issue did President Obama and the Democrats majority face after the 2008 Election?

A weak economy, and an increasingly unpopular war in Iraq.