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During the Vietnam War, the US Marine Corps did not (and probably still do not) have medics. During Vietnam, ALL Marines were riflemen first, then tank crewmen, artillerymen, etc. "SECOND". Consequently, medical personnel from the US Navy were attached to fighting Marine elements, and were called "CORPSMAN." One of those men raising the US Flag atop Mt. Suribachi, on the island of IWO JIMA during WWII, in 1945, WAS NOT A MARINE! He was a US Navy "Corpsman." In Vietnam, US Army "Medics" were often nick-named "Doc" or "Band-Aid" and rode, walked, and lived with all US Army units in the field. Sometimes they carried an M-16 rifle, sometimes a .45 pistol. Sometimes, no weapon at all. Unlike WWII & Korea, US Army medics did not have red crosses painted on their helmets nor did they have red crosses on white cloth wrapped around their upper arms (arm bands), as frequently depicted in WWII movies. US Army medics were (and still are) trained at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, following boot camp. As a "general rule", medic's seemed to be more understanding and more pleasent to be around... at times; than your standard fighting times, during the Vietnam War.

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In the US Marine Corps, medics were Navy men; called corpsman, and assigned to Marine units, since ALL marines had to be riflemen, the USN supplied the medics (corpsmen). In the US Army, each battalion (roughly 600 men) consisted of a HHC, and letter companies (A, B, C, etc.). Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) consisted of everything, while the letter companies consisted of what the battalion was all about; example(s): Infantry companies were all infantrymen; tank companies were all tanks; Artillery batteries (companies are called batteries in the artillery) were all guns, etc. HHC had everything needed to support lose letter companies (aka line companies): HHC had a scout section (reconnaissance section); mortar section; radar section; maintenance section; administrative section; mess section (food service section); and a medical section. HHC distributed medics for each letter company; normally one medic per platoon. Line companies often had 4 platoons: 3 numbered platoons (1,2, and 3rd), and a HQ platoon. Therefore, the company might get 4 medics assigned to it. More often than not, it was 1 medic per company...being short-handed in wartime, to the average GI's mind, appeared to be SOP (Standing Operating Procedures).

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Aviation mechanics, Air Traffic Controllers, Wheeled Vehicle mechanics, medics (medics in Vietnam performed work that DOCTORS in the United States never performed), HELICOPTER PILOTS (a booming business today), truck drivers, and plenty of administrative personnel experience (Finance, Accounting, Personnel Management, etc.).

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The conditions in the Vietnam war was that it was like a Jungle with tall grasses and fill up with boofy traps

What did the Vietnam War accomplish?

im not an expert on this but i think that the Vietnam War could have accomplish SOMETHING. like... - Americans saw that they could not always win - Vietnam is recovering quite well - wars like this tells us that evil can sometimes conquer over good - the Vietnam war is something future people can learn about and reflect on - communism can be good SOMETIMES sorry if my answers not that good but that's what i understand anyways the Vietnam war accomplishes nothing but death!!!!!!!

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It was not a civil war because it was mainly The North Vietnam Army (NVA) vs the United States and our allies like Australia.

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