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Q: What were most settlers who came to New England in the early 1600s searching for?
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The settlers in the early years of Jamestown colony requiredreligious freedom from england

What did Massasoit do?

Massasoit was a leader of the Wampanoag people in the early 1600s who encouraged friendship with English settlers.

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The early settlers came to Canada in the 17th century, starting in the early 1600s with the arrival of French explorers and fur traders. Later, British settlers arrived in the 18th century, gradually establishing colonies and settlements across the country.

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The common law of England was brought to the new world by the early settlers who were basically masons.

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It was in the early 1600s when settlers from France established communities on the St. Lawrence River. These settlers found the area to provide prime fishing capabilities and transportation opportunities.

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When did settlers from France establish communities on the St Lawrence River?

It was in the early 1600s when settlers from France established communities on the St. Lawrence River. These settlers found the area to provide prime fishing capabilities and transportation opportunities.

What countries did the early settlers of New Hampshire come?

France and England

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The first people to settle in Australia were the Aborigines and they came from the Indian subcontinent. The first "official" European settlers in Australia were the group of convicts, officers and marines who came out from England on the First Fleet in 1788. However, there is strong evidence to suggest that the first European settlers in Australia were Dutch sailors stranded after being shipwrecked off the Western Australian coast in the early 1600s.

How do you spell Powhatan?

The spelling Powhatan is used for the Native American chief of the tribes (and the tribes themselves) who came in contact with the Jamestown settlers in the early 1600s.

What separatist group left England for the Netherlands in the early 1600s and later sailed for America aboard the Mayflower?

The Puritans