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Q: What were other ancient sources of inspiration for Renaissance artists and architects?
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Who were the people Filippo Brunelleschi inspired?

Bruelleschi served as an inspiration to architects and artists of the Renaissance, especially in Italy.

From which 2 previous cultures did the renaissance artists draw inspiration?

They drew inspiration from ancient Greece and Rome.

Who were the artists and architects of the renaissance financially supported by?

the Medici family.

How is humanism reflected in renaissance art Explain with examples.?

The Humanism used their renaissance art to influencing artists. This also had architects carring on classical traditions.

What culture did renaissance scholars and artists look for inspiration?


What civilizations did renaissance thinkers and artists take inspiration from?

Greek and Roman.

Where did northern Renaissance painters get their inspiration?

The Northern Renaissance artists, however, were scattered about and few in number initially.

How is humanism of the Renaissance reflected in its arts?

The Humanism of the Renaissances reflected in its art by influencing artists and architects to carry on classical traditions.

What was Artemis' influence on art?

She was an inspiration for the Renaissance artists, and there are even modern-day depictions of her to be found.

How is the humanism of the Renaissance reflected in arts?

The Humanism of the Renaissances reflected in its art by influencing artists and architects to carry on classical traditions.

How did Renaissance ideals were reflected in the arts?

Artists, architects, and writers used real- istic techniques. Their work reflected the Renaissance ideals of humanism, an appreciation of the classics, and curiosity. new ideas.

Is it true that The Catholic Church played a major role in the Renaissance as a patron of many artists musicians and architects?

Yes, check out the links below.