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Q: What were other countries views on the Berlin Wall?
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What was spray painted on the Berlin Wall?

The Berlin Wall separated Germany into two separate countries. On the wall various messages of love, peace, and other political themed writing could be found while it was standing.

Countries involved during the Berlin Wall?

{| |- | Germany, being the location of Berlin, was the focal point. The US and NATO were on one side of the wall. The Soviet Union was on the other side of the issues. |}

What did the Berlin wall look like?

The Berlin Wall was a wall of many colors with lots of writing on it.

What two countries did the Berlin Wall seperate?

The Berlin wall separated east and west Germany which have now reunited and became Germany.

Why is the Berlin wall called the Berlin wall?

because the wall was in the city Berlin

What event helped unite East and West Germany?

The fall of the Berlin Wall

What cities were divided by the Berlin Wall?

Berlin was the city divided by the Berlin Wall.

What did the west Germans call the Berlin Wall?

They called the Berlin Wall "The Wall of Shame."

What is the wall in Berlin called?

Berlin Wall

What was built in 1961 to stop the exodus from East Berlin to West Berlin?

The Berlin wall

Why did East Germany construct the Berlin wall in 1961 during the cold war?

The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961 to stop people from fleeing the area. It was also an attempt to keep changing political views from taking root in East Germany.

What two countries are separated by the Berlin Wall?

This was, of course, Germany. Berlin is the capital of German. The Berlin Wall was erected in August 1861. The official reason for its construction was to prevent the influence of the "fascists" from the West entering East Germany and undermining the socialist fabric of the state. In reality, the wall was there to stop mass defections to the West. The Wall was broken down in November 1989.