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Holocaust survivors.

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Q: What were people called when they rescued Jews from the Holocaust?
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Who were the people called that were in the holocaust?

They were called Jews.

What were the people called that hid Jews during the holocaust?

They were called rescuers. It's as simple as that.

What people were people were persecuted during the holocaust?


What was the systematic murder by the of Jews and others by the Nazis called?

It can be called the Holocaust or genocide.

The Holocaust was the Nazi's mass murder of who?

The Nazis killed mainly Jews in the holocaust but also people who were 'feeble minded', 'crippled', and even POWs.

What group of people do you associate with the holocaust?


Mass slaughter of Jews?

The Germans at the time called it "the Final solution". The Jews to whom it was done call it the "holocaust". What ever it was called it was a genocide of massive proportions.

How many people were killed in the holocaust other than Jews?

People that were killed during the Holocaust in addition to the millions of Jews were the Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. Also killed were Gypsies, Poles, Soviet POWs, and slaves in Eastern Europe.

What were the discrimination against Catholics and Jews?

presumably you mean by the Catholics against the Jews; it was called the Holocaust. Though what happened in Yugoslavia was independent of the Holocaust, the victims are counted in with the victims of the Holocaust.

What groups of people were not part of the Holocaust?

There were many groups of people not part of the holocaust, such as young children who weren't jews, elderly people who were jews, gypsies or disabled. But a part from that many people were! :(

What group was the MAIN target of the Nazis during the Holocaust?

The Jews were the main target in Germany. The German genocide is also called the Holocaust.

What made the Jews from day to day in the holocaust?

Nothing, Jews were people, not products.