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Q: What were people who believed all people should live in peace and Harmony and accepted different religions?
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What did asoka belive should bedone about religions that different fron biddhism?

Asoka believed in tolerance and coexistence of religions different from Buddhism. He promoted religious harmony and respected other faiths, encouraging his subjects to live peacefully and practice their own religions without fear of persecution.

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Why is there racial harmony day?

Singapore is a multi racial country. we have many different religions. to mantain peace and harmony in Singapore,we must have racial harmony day. we should respect other religions beliefs and not laugh at them.If people laugh at your religion belief , you could also laugh at his as they are not scientific . when we have racial harmony day , we are actually mantaining peace and harmony between the different religions. without racial harmony day, we might have war every single day. So RACIAL HARMONY DAY IS IMPORTANT.

How were the Aztec and Inca religions the same?

Both the Aztec and Inca religions were polytheistic, meaning they worshipped multiple gods. They also believed in rituals and sacrifices to appease their deities and maintain harmony in the universe. Additionally, both civilizations placed a strong emphasis on nature and its connection to their spiritual beliefs.

How can there be harmony if no individual is the same?

Harmony is a combination of different notes. So, with all people being different but joining together in common interest, there should be harmony. It doesn't mean that everyone has to be a clone or has limited choices. It just means that we have to practice sharing and respecting one another. My opinion is that political correctness or requirements for certain religions over another disturbs the peace and harmony while the ability to speak a language in common builds harmony.

Which ruler strengthened the Mughal Empire by promoting religious harmony through tolerance?

Akbar the Great, who ruled the Mughal Empire from 1556 to 1605, is known for promoting religious harmony and tolerance through policies such as Sulh-i-Kul (peace with all) that accepted different religions within his empire. He encouraged cultural exchange and government policies that respected the beliefs of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians.

What is harmony in music?

The Harmony is the relation between different notes. If the notes are played together, the gap between them is called a harmonic interval, if they are played one after the other it is a melodic interval. Different intervals have different character within Different Keys.Harmony in the broader sense also is the use of Keys and modulating between them.The essence of harmony is the chord.

What do you mean by international understanding and solidarity?

It is said in reference to harmony among different countries and religions present globally. It's like living with the sense of brotherhood with international community.

Did Plato believed government should create harmony in society?

True .

Who believed that living by strict rules leads to happiness and harmony?

John lock

Who believed that the harmony of nature could be copied in human society?

No one knows who believed in that but every one shouldn't be live this web site

What is the difference between harmony and unity?

Harmony creates unity while unity creates harmony within the use of the different elements of art