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If a king took too much land or invaded an ally of the church, the pope could excommunicate the king [remove him from the church, therefore, condemning him to hell] or place an interdict on the whole region, denying all of the people the right to attend church services, the sacraments such as confession, last rites, Eucharist, and refusal to perform marriage ceremonies

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Q: What were political actions made by the popes of the middle ages?
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Are the crusades and middle ages the same thing?

No. The Middle Ages is the period of Western European history from 500 - 1500 A.D. The Crusades were a series of invasions of the Middle East by Europeans, instigated by various Popes during the Middle Ages.

Did Popes fight in the Middle Ages?

Yes, they had many differences on matters of authority and doctrine. Some Popes were even excommunicated by Church Synods (or Councils) and other rival Popes were elected in their place, called Ante-Popes.

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How did Political change in late middle ages?

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What was papal supremacy in the middle ages?

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