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Q: What were predators to the gastornis?
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Where did the gastornis live?

Gastornis lived in Europe, North America, and Asia during the Eocene epoch, around 45 to 36 million years ago. They were large, flightless birds known for their impressive size and powerful beaks.

When did the gastornis birds live?

it ate animals

What did the gastornis evolve into?

Scientist are not officially sure what species, Gastornis evolved into, but probably evolved into a group of large, predatory birds called Phorusrhacids or 'Terror Birds'. The only information that contradicts this is the fact Terror Birds originated in South America, while Gastornis was native to North America. So most likely, Terror birds evolved from a close cousin of Gastornis, that existed in South America, during the time Gastornis roamed. This means that the actual species of Gastornis may have gone extinct without evolution.

Was any dinosaurreptile or mamal taller then it's length?

yes, gastornis was 2.3 metres long and 3 metres tall.

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What are mosquito predators? people are the predators

How predators adapted to hunting and catching predators?

Predators are like hunters. The predators eat their own prey. Predators catch their prey with their sharp nails.

What are 4 living and 4 nonliving animals in 1 ecosystem?

4 predators and 4 prey that the predators have killed for their dinner!4 predators and 4 prey that the predators have killed for their dinner!4 predators and 4 prey that the predators have killed for their dinner!4 predators and 4 prey that the predators have killed for their dinner!

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Wolves are apex predators themselves and have no predators.

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Tigers are top predators. They do not have any natural predators

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it has predators