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He was the first European to describe in detail the process of making gunpowder, and he proposed flying machines and motorized ships and carriages. He therefore represents a historically precocious expression of the empirical spirit of experimental science, even though his actual practice of it seems to have been exaggerated. His philosophical thought was essentially Aristotelian, though he was critical of the methods of theologians, arguing that a more accurate experimental knowledge of nature would be of great value in confirming the Christian faith. He also wrote on mathematics and logic.

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Q: What were roger bacon two main contribution?
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What did Roger Bacon feel was the two sources of knowledge?

Resoning & Experience :)

One pound of bacon?

No, two. Two pounds of bacon.

What are the two main ways in which soil organisms contribution to soil formation?

Look on another page bi**h

Is one piece of thick sliced bacon just as much as two thin sliced pieces of bacon?

One slice of thick sliced bacon is 70 calories, while two slices of thinly sliced bacon is 54 calories. But really, it depends what sort of bacon you're using.

Who are Pork Chop Man and Bacon Dude?

Pork Chop Man and Bacon Dude are two superheroes that save the day but can be irresponsible. Rumor has that Bacon dude is cheating on his girlfriend with another bacon

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Female bacon comes from female circumcission in the BDSM scene. Each girl has two. Once the labia are cut away they resemble bacon. Thus the term, 'Female Bacon.'

How many calories in a bacon samwitch?

There are 269 calories in two pieces of baguette bread and 64 calories in a piece of bacon. A slice of bacon has 4.0 grams of fat. Which is a lot. In total there are 333 calories in a bacon SANDWITCH!

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Does bacon smell like urine when you cook it?

No. (first answer) Well you know what made me search this question out? [I'm not author of this question] I was also smelling URINE while bacon was being cooked. YUCK! But not at all bacon cooking occasion though. The reason the smell alarmed me was perhaps the bacon meat was spoiled! Just a No answer just doesn't cut it.

What are the ingredients of a clubhouse sandwich?

Chicken and bread. Many ingredients can be added for additional flavor.

How many child does June Bacon-Bercey had?

two daughters

How many siblings did Francis Bacon have?

Yes, he had a brother named Anthony Bacon.