

What were roman ideals?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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8y ago

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The Romans valued virtues, which were traits of moral excellence, qualities seen as good and the foundation of good morality. They were: Constantia, perseverance, Firmitas, tenacity, Prudentia, prudence, Disciplina, discipline, Severitas , sternness/ self-control, Virtus manliness/ courage, Dignitas, dignity, Pietas, dutifulness/respect for the natural order, Industria, hard work, Frugalitas, frugality, Honestas, respectability, Veritas, truthfulness/ honesty Humanitas, humanity/ refinement, Comitas, courtesy/friendliness, Iustitia, justice, Clementia, mercy, Salubritas, wholesomeness, Gravitas, gravity/ responsibility/ a sense of the importance of the matter at hand, and Auctoritas spiritual authority/a sense of one's social standing, built up through experience,

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