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Q: What were sharia laws in the middle east?
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What countries are a theoracy?

Iran, Vatican City, and Saudi Arabia are examples of countries that are considered theocracies, where religious leaders hold significant political power and influence government policies based on religious principles.

What's the difference between Middle-Eastern laws and American laws and why are Americans so free to do what they want that it makes me want to hang myself?

While the US uses laws enacted by Congress that must be constitutional, a lot of Middle-Eastern countries/territories use the Sharia Law system. Sharia law is considered barbaric, out of date, and oppressive to women.

What is the meaning of sharia religious laws?

Sharia is the religious law of Islam. It is contrived from the divine revelations of the Qur'an and the examples of the prophet Muhammad.

Which Middle Eastern Country practices strict Sharia Law?

Sharia law is practiced in Many Islamic countries. It is most stricly practiced in Saudi Arabia.

Is sharia law evil?

Evil is a point of view, not a state of being. If your values are opposed to those in the Qur'an, you may consider Sharia law to be evil. If you believe in the Qu'ran, then you will probably not think it is evil.Answer 2:Sharia laws are not evil. Sharia laws are those laws which have to be used in regulating the Islamic community, they are all derived from the Islamic sources, mainly the holy Quran & the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad PBUH. They organize all life aspects in the light of the commands, prohibitions, recommendations of Allah,the Almighty.Sharia laws actually oppose each evil & each bad.

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What is the system that directly links an Islamic country's laws with the principles of the Quran known as?


What was the code of Hammurabi and how did it impact early civilizations of the middle east?

It was the first real set of laws in the middle east. His philosophy was that a crime deserved an equal punishment. If somebody murdered somebody else, then they would either get put to death or have life in jail. It effected civilizations in the middle east because it was the first real set of laws that people had to follow.

When did President Obama use his Executive powers to get Sharia laws enacted in the US?

Never. This is an internet myth, spread by the president's political opponents. There is no evidence that any Sharia laws have ever been enacted, nor would they be, since America is not a Muslim theocracy.

Does Israel support Sharia Law?

Sharia Law is recognized, but not enforced, by Israel for Muslim citizens. The Muslim clergy and courts are given authority to practice their laws, as long as they don't contradict general Israeli and international law.

What makes the middle east the middle east?

it is, obviously in the middle of the direction east.

What does Middle East mean?

the term middle east means the middle of the east.