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Q: What were some chores puritan children were expected to do?
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What should you do if you hate doing chores?

Accept that if you don't do them, nobody will, and that as part of a household you are expected to pull at least some of the burden, and just do them.

What were puritan chores?

Puritans had a strong work ethic and believed in the importance of hard labor as a way to serve God. Their chores typically consisted of farming, household chores like cooking and cleaning, tending livestock, and making clothing and other necessities by hand. They also spent time in prayer, worship, and education.

How to Get Children to do Their Chores?

Doing household chores is a point of contention in many households. Getting the kids to help is a problem that many parents face. Some parents choose to give their kids an allowance in exchange for doing household chores. Other parents teach their children that helping around the house is expected from each family member without compensation. They may pay for special jobs, but they do not offer monetary rewards for chores. The most important thing when it comes to household chores is to be consistent. Whatever your family dynamic entails, make sure that children understand the rules and then stick to them. If children are not allowed free time until their rooms are cleaned or until the dishes are washed, stick to the rules. By doing this, you will have far less contention in your home and you will have a tidier home as well. Another important aspect of the dilemma between children and chores is to teach them to pick up after themselves and consistently enforce this behavior. After all, if children spend their entire chore time picking up their own clothes and toys, how much help are they actually offering the household? When everyone picks up after themselves on a continuous basis, household chores will take a fraction of the time. Although you should expect children to follow instructions when it comes to doing chores, realize that they are not going to do them as well as you do them. While it is important to teach children how to perform certain functions, it is not wise to expect perfection from them. If they believe that you will do their chores over anyway, they may not put forth much effort. Some parents make a game out of doing chores. They may let children pick which chores they want to do. Some parents reward children when they do an especially good job, such as hiding treats or coins under objects that, when picked up or cleaned, will reveal the treasure. While it is not wise to reward or pay children for taking responsibility for their own belongings, rewards can have a positive effect when used wisely.

What were some chores that women in southern colonies?

women took care of children, cooked for the family and sew quilts

Is it wrong for children to do chores?

It's wrong for children do have to do so many chores they are effectively looking after themselves. It is the role of the parent to look after the child. Children should however be responsible for some things. Jobs like taking out the rubbish or recycling, entertaining younger siblings and setting the table are the sorts of things children should be able to do. I understand there is a strain on parents when they are looking after children. Children need to understand this and do what they can to help.

What are some Puritan practices?

The Puritan practices are retard idiot and oh yeah retard.

What did adults think of children in the 1900s?

The view of children in the 1900s was incredibly strict. Parents expected their children to always behave in public, to do as they're told immediately, and to be kind and respectful. It is true that many of the high society families rarely interracted with their children, but families formed tight bonds.

What were some of the chores of the slaves of Mesopotamia?

Some chores that the slaves did were household, mining and agriculture

What is expected from a peditrician?

Pediatrician is expected to treat medical problems in children and adolescents up to the age of 18 years. In some countries it is up to 21 years.