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Q: What were some consequences of disobeying the church?
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john Peterson at age 24

Can an under eleven refuse to do homework?

You can refuse to do anything you want - just be prepared to take the natural consequences for your decisions. In the case of not doing your homework, you are choosing bad grades and probably some sort of punishment for disobeying the teachers.

Catholic church conflict and compromise of European History?

So many people were disobeying the church and talking over it. Such as Martin Luther who stuck the citizens of Europe that they did not have to listen to the Church anymore, which eventually sparked the cause of the "Protestant Reformation".

How was the church connected to the kingdom in medieval times?

It had a lot of power over kings an peasants, because they were all extremely afraid of disobeying God (what was considered against God was decided by the church). Whereas, it would seem in our own day, few persons trouble themselves overmuch about disobeying God, (and what God commands of them is up to the individual to discern for himself).

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Can have any command and disobeying him is considered as disobeying God.

All quiet on the western fron what keeps tjaden from fearingthe consequences of disobeying Himmelstoss' orders in chapter4?

cuz hes boss like that like this if your cool give me a bad rating and ur not.

What were the consequences for England of Henry VIII's decision to split with the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe consequences of the Henry VIII's split with the Church is the Anglican Church and it's hundreds of splinter "churches". The results are generations and thousands of souls who have grown up outside the means of salvation established by Our Blessed Lord, His Church.

Why did Martin Luther risk his life over the church?

Because he followed his conscience and what he believe was right. He felt that disobeying his conscience was worse than being excommunicated or recanting his books

What are the impact and consequences?

Everything has consequences. Possibly there is some specific item whose consequences you are asking about.

Is it justifiable to perform an evil act to achieve good consequences?

Ethical theories differ on this question. Some argue that the consequences of an action determine its morality, while others believe that certain acts are inherently wrong regardless of the outcome. It is important to carefully consider the ethical implications and potential unintended consequences before engaging in any action.

Is disobeying a traffic device the same as speeding?

no disobeying a traffic device is in the catogory of blowing a red light or stop sign

What are the consequences of disobeying your parents as a Muslim woman?

All Muslim men and women should obey their parents and the punishment for disobeying is the same...hell fire. Why only Muslim women, why only women all should obey their parents as they are more relevant than even god. They will never have lasting and serious ill feelings against the children.What they do will be always good for the children.This is ture even for animals.