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Q: What were some different type of gladiators?
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Who did gladiators fight?

the gladiators would fight different kinds of Gladiators or other animals

What were the purposes that gladiators have different names is it because they had different jobs?

Gladiators were named after their style of combat. They wore distinctive armor, helmets, and carried distinctive shields and weapons. In a way you could say that their "jobs" were different, as some fought men, some fought animals, and some fought on horseback. They were all named accordingly.

How many different types of gladiators was there?


What type of armor did gladiators wear?

Only one of 16 different types of gladiators wore armour. This was the provocator (challenger) who wore a breastplate and whose armament was similar to that of a Roman soldiers. All other types of gladiators fought bare chested. This was a symbol of defiance against death.

What are the six different ancient gladiators?

Spartacus and AUGUSTUS

How many different types of roman gladiators where there?

There were four.

Why were the bestiarii different from other gladiators?

they only fought in wild beast hunts, unlike other gladiators who fought eachother

What class were gladiators in rome?

Gladiators were mostly slaves. There were some Roman citizens who volunteered to be gladiators and became infames, the lowest layer of Roman society.

What are some gladiators names?


What kind of clothes did gladiators wear?

Gladiators dressed the same as anyone else wearing a tunic and cloak when they were not in training or in a contest. When they were in the arena, they dressed in the type of armor that was customary for their type of fighting.

Did gladiators fight other gladiators?

Yes they did. Gladiators were owned and trained by sponsors ( similar to football teams today) and the different sponsors would match gladiators against each other. Often betting took place on the outcome of the battle. This was a big business owning gladiators and training them. A lot of prestige came with having the best "line up" of gladiators.

Where gladiator come from roman empire or Greek empire?

The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.The gladiators originated in the Roman empire.