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bowls spears

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6mo ago

Some of the artifacts associated with the Aztecs include stone monuments like the famous Sun Stone (or Aztec Calendar stone), statues of deities such as the Coyolxauhqui Stone, gold jewelry, jade masks, ceramic vessels depicting mythological scenes, and codices (books) containing historical and religious information recorded using pictorial writing.

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Q: What were some of Aztecs artifacts?
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What are the artifacts that represent Barnegat?

Some artifacts that represent Barnegat, New Jersey, could include its historic lighthouse, naval artifacts from the local maritime history, and artifacts from the original settlement of the area, such as tools or household items.

Is artifacts a tool?

Artifacts are physical objects or materials that are created as a result of human activity. While artifacts can sometimes be used as tools, not all artifacts serve a practical or utilitarian purpose. Some artifacts are valued for their artistic, historical, or cultural significance rather than their functionality as tools.

What are some examples of family artifacts?

Some examples of family artifacts include old photographs, letters, heirlooms, family recipes, diaries, jewelry, and clothing items. These artifacts hold sentimental value and can help preserve family history.

What are some artifacts of the caddos?

Some artifacts of the Caddo people include pottery vessels, shell beads, stone tools, and ceramic figurines. These artifacts provide insights into their daily life, beliefs, and cultural practices. Archaeological excavations have uncovered a rich array of Caddo artifacts in various sites across the southeastern United States.

What were some of the artifacts discovered in the caves?

Some of the artifacts discovered in caves include cave paintings, tools like stone axes or arrowheads, pottery, animal bones, and sometimes even human remains. These artifacts help archaeologists understand the lives and cultures of past inhabitants.

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How do you that Aztecs excisted?

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What do ancient artifacts tell us about the Aztecs?

if u wanna know about this question then ask a different website cauese idek the answer ok bye and goodbye

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What is a sentence for the word artifacts?

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