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  • He thought he could lead a war when he could not. A private does not run a war.
  • He had a terrible temper and everyone around him paid the price for it. He would blame everyone else for the failure of the war battles rather than accept the fact that he was At Fault or the winter was at fault. He did not understand the Germans could not fight a two front war.
  • He was sick and should have stepped down but he had his megalomaniacal ideas and he wanted them fulfilled and only he was going to get it done.
  • He was a terrible racist. He murdered millions of Slavs, Jews and anyone else he thought was not perfect for his elusive Aryan race.
  • He treated women like dirt and probably killed a few of them.
  • He was evil and had a fear that people were doing things against him.
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Q: What were some of hitlers major failures?
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