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After colonization by the Spanish, the Inca Empire faced significant cultural, social, and economic impacts. The indigenous population experienced loss of cultural practices and identity, forced conversion to Christianity, and exploitation for labor and resources. The introduction of new diseases and the exploitation of native peoples led to a drastic decline in population.

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Q: What were some of the long term effects of the Inca empire after colinisation?
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How many miles long was the Inca empire?


How long did the Inca Empire rule for?


How many miles long was the Inca empire in 1500?

its about 128186meters

What brothers. fought for control of the Inca empire?

Atahualpa and Huascar fought for control of the Inca empire.

How long did it take for Spaniards to conquer the Inca empire?

three months

Who ruled the Inca empire?

This is an easy one, the Inca ruled the Inca Empire. He was also considered son of the sun (Inti) the most important god to the Inca people

How long did it take the Incas to build their empire?

The Inca rule was for 2437 years 900BCE-1537AD

How did the Inca communicate thorough their empire without having a written language?

The Inca Empire used a system of quipus, which were intricate knotted strings, to convey information and keep records. They also relied on oral tradition, skilled messengers known as chasquis who ran long distances carrying messages. The Inca's extensive road network facilitated communication across their vast empire.

What problem in the Inca empire weakened the Incas for Spanish conquest?

Seven years before 1532, the eleventh Inca, Huayna Capac, died without naming a successor. Two of his sons, Huascar and Atahualpa, fought over which one should be the next Inca. After a long bloody war, Atahualpa claimed victory. This conflict weakened the Inca Empire just as Francisco Pizarro arrived.

When were the Inca discovered?

The Inca civilization was encountered by Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro in 1532. Pizarro's conquest led to the downfall of the Inca Empire.

What were the short and long term effects the Spanish had on the Incas?

The Spanish Conquest of the Incas resulted in short-term devastation, including violence, disease, and loss of territory. In the long term, it led to the eventual collapse of the Inca Empire, cultural assimilation, and the introduction of Spanish influence and institutions in the region.

How long did Inca civilization flourish?

This is a major edit of the first answer which stated "2 seconds" The Inca Empire was "discovered" by the Spanish conquitadores. They were attracted to it as they and the Incas both valued gold. The empire in South America flourished for about 200 years and was ended by the Spanish conquests in the early 1500's. The Inca civilization spanded the western South American coastline.