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diseases killed more than any other thing during the war. but with soilders that had wounds, they would most of the time become infected and kill them.

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Q: What were some of the major causes of death besides shooting and disease in the civil war?
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What were some of the most common causes of death in the Civil War?

Disease was responsible for more lives than death due to combat.

Great causes of death during the civil war?

From battle wounds, of course. But over 60% died from disease or infection caused by the wounds received

What was the total numbers of American dead during the Civil War?

It is estimated that over 618,000 men died during the US Civil war from all causes including combat, disease and accident. Below is an excellent site for this and more on the US Civil War.

What was a constant threat to soldiers in the civil war?

Disease. Remember this was before vaccinations against disease were created. More soldiers died from disease that died from bullets. Besides unsanitary living conditions, add bad food and bad water.

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the shooting at fort Sumter started the civil war and the confedarate fired at the union

What was the fastest shooting gun in the American Civil War?

The Gatling gun.

How many Confederate soldiers died of non-battle related causes?

There were approximately 258,000 confederate deaths during the American Civil War. Approximately 164,000 or about two-thirds of these were due to disease and other non-battle causes.

How many Confederate soldiers died from diseases during the American Civil War?

Approximately 164,000 Confederate soldiers died from disease and other non-combat causes during the American Civil War. Dysentery alone killed 50,000 confederate troops.

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