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You shall not speak unless spoken to

You shall not sit at the table unless bidden by parents even when no company was over

You shall not throw anything under the table

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In colonial times, they used books to teach children strict rules. Here are some of the rules from the table manners section.

1. Come not to the table without having your hands and face washed and head comed.

2.Sit not down till thou art bidded by parents or other superiors.

3. Offer not to carve for thyself, or to take anything, though it be that which thou dost greatly desire.

4. Ask not for anything, but tarry till offered thee.

5.Find no fault in anything given thee.

6. Speak not at the table. If thy superiors are discussing, meddle not with the discourse but be silent. Except of course when thou art spoken to.

7. Eat not too much, but moderately.

8. Lift not thy eyes nor roll them well drinking

9. Make not a noise with thy tongue, mouth, or lips in thy eating or drinking.

10. Make always a bow when come to the table.

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== ==

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Why are table manners important?

Someone with poor table manners is usually perceived [rightly or wrongly ] as uncouth, sloppy and/or selfish and careless in other areas of life. Poor table manners can be a WORSTfirst impression.having good table manners is extremely important because it not only shows that you are offering other people respect, but it also shows that you are a respectable person yourself. some people don't expect much of others' table manners, whereas different people may take them quite seriously and consider it a turnoff if you don't pay attention to that etiquette. ultimately it is up to you to use table manners or not, but remember that it shows respect, which will earn you respect in return. Rather than having to be disputed at the dinner table.

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Why is table etiquette important?

Someone with poor table manners is usually perceived [rightly or wrongly ] as uncouth, sloppy and/or selfish and careless in other areas of life. Poor table manners can be a WORST first impression.having good table manners is extremely important because it not only shows that you are offering other people respect, but it also shows that you are a respectable person yourself. some people don't expect much of others' table manners, whereas different people may take them quite seriously and consider it a turn-off if you don't pay attention to that ettiquette. ultimately it is up to you to use table manners or not, but remember that it shows respect, which will earn you respect in return.

Did castle children always go to school?

well princesses have to go to princess schools to practice their manners . some do no!

How did colonial children play?

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What are Japanese table manners?

== == * Japanese are noted for tolerance and grace so if you make a bit of a mistake don't feel bad. Just pay attention to what everyone else is doing. Here is a good website to go too that will give you some tips:

What people think of bad manners?

Friday is National Good Manners day. So you'd all better mind your Ps & Qs. Are manners important? If you meet someone with bad manners, do you think less of them? Do you get fed up with your parents always telling you off about your behaviour? Come on, let us know what you think, but don't SHOUT. Manners are very important. They show that someone has been brought up well and that they can behave. Having manners show the type of person that you are! Stephanie, 14, Shropshire I think manners are important and every family should teach their children some manners. Melanie, 13, London I think the only time you should really use manners is when you want to make a good impression like meeting your boyfriend's mum and dad! Abbie, 13, Oxfordshire I think some manners are a bit silly like don't have your elbows on the table. But I hate it when my best mate swears in front of me! Josie, 10, Southend

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Teaching Table Manners and Formal Dining Etiquettes?

There are many good books on the subject, classes , and some people who will come to your house and tutor you or your whole family.