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Khufu son had died because of the invaders he got really mad and build a Great Pyramid for him self

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Q: What were some of the things that Egyptian mummies needed during the afterlife?
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How do you know that afterlife was important to ancient egyptians?

The tombs of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs and nobility are filled with items that would be needed in the Egyptian afterlife. Also the uncovered writings of the ancient Egyptians speak about the afterlife.

Why were the Egyptians obsessed with making mummies?

First of all, it wasn't an obsession. They simply believed in the afterlife. They did their best to preserve the bodies, and put in the casket things needed for the afterlife.

Would Egyptian belongings be buried with the dead?

Yes they would but only certain things that were needed in the afterlife.

What are mummies made of?

Dried Human remains and Burial Cloth (normally made from Hemp, Papyrus).

What do the Egyptians do with the pharaohs heart?

The heart of any mummified Egyptian, pharaoh or not, was sealed in a jar. All other internal organs were also sealed in jars, except for the brain which was considered unimportant. The jars containing the heart and other organs which would be needed in the afterlife were entombed along with the mummies of the deceased.

Why were tombs needed?

to store mummies. and so the mummies can go to the after life

Why were mummies important to Egyptian life?

It was important to preserve mummies in ancient Egyptian life because the ancient Egyptians believed that the mummified body was home to the spirit or soul. If the body was destroyed, the spirit might be lost. The idea of "spirit" was complex involving really three spirits: the ka, ba, and akh. The ka, a "double" of the person, would remain in the tomb and needed the offerings and objects there. The ba, or "soul", was free to fly out of the tomb and return to it. And it was the akh, perhaps translated as "spirit", which had to travel through the Underworld to the Final Judgment and entrance to the Afterlife. To the Egyptian, all three were essential.Because in egyptian mythology the body needed to be preserved for the afterlife. If a body part was missing the wouldnt be able to gain passage to Duat (Eygptian heaven) and would suffer for eternity with the others that hadnt gained passage. So if the flesh rotted they would not gain passage (sometimes for revenge a person would remove a dead persons finger or hand so they wouldnt be able to go to Duat)

Why was pyramida built?

mummies were put in tombs and the tombs needed somewhere to go so the Egyptian people made pyramids..... Although I have no idea why they called it pyramids though.

Why was the mummies brains not preserved?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the heart contained the soul of the dead person, and would be needed in the afterlife. But the brain was not considered to be important and was usually thrown away, with other internal organs.

Why were these tombs needed?

to buried mummies

Why were the tombs needed?

the tombs were used for mummies.

Why did ancient Egyptians not remove the heart from the mummy?

It is thought that the Egyptians left the heart in the body because they believed it was where the soul sat. It also needed to be weighed on the journey to the wasn't removed because the Egyptians believed that they would need their heart in the after life