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Q: What were some things the Americanization movement most help immigrants with?
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How did immigrants help to develop the west?

They helped by building railroads.

How did political bosses help immigrants?

The political bosses helped immigrants by providing jobs on the public payroll, getting housing for new arrivals, giving the needy gifts of food and clothing, patching up minor scrapes with the law, and helping schools, parks, and hospitals get built in immigrant neighborhoods. The bosses only did these things so the immigrants would vote for them and their party.

How did the expansion of public education help to Americanize immigrants?

When Washington was president he stated that education was needed in order to help the people immigrating into the United States so they could learn how a democratic society works and can take part in the process and feel part of the social order. Immigrants often feel confused and isolated within a society and education opens doors so people can become active members of the society.

How did political machines help immagrants?

Political Machinesbiuld support among immigrants groups by helping them to get settle in their new homeland, finding temporary housing, and providing jobs in exchange for votes. they also helped them become naturalized citizens in order to get their votes... only girls

How did Jacob Riis help the situation of immigrants in America's cities?

Jacob Riis exposed the problem in tenements by taking pictures of the life in tenements. He showed these pictures to the government and to the people populated in areas which held a lot of tenements where many immigrants lived.

Related questions

What type of program did settlement house run to help immigrants adapt to their new country?

Settlement houses for immigrants ran Americanization programs to help them adapt.

What was the Americanization movement?

It was designed to assimilate people of wide-ranging culters into the domain cultures. Schools provided programs to teach immigrants skills needed for citizenship. my textbook says, Americanizaion movement was an education program designed to help immigrants assimilate to American culture. I agree with the education program

What was the americanization?

It was designed to assimilate people of wide-ranging culters into the domain cultures. Schools provided programs to teach immigrants skills needed for citizenship. my textbook says, Americanizaion movement was an education program designed to help immigrants assimilate to American culture. I agree with the education program

What was the goal of Americanization program in Settlement house?

The goal was to provide transitional housing to immigrants to ease them into the workforce, teach them middle class values and help their English language skills.

What was the purpose of the benevolent associations?

To help new immigrants in their comunities

What did Americanization seek to do?

The main idea of Americanization was to spread the American culture, values and products to the rest of the world. This could happen with the help of the media or the development of American brands.

What does the fibula bone help you do?

It helps you with your movement so you can do things!

How did the immigrants help make burgers and tacos popular food inamerica?

How did the immigrants help tacos and hamburgers popular

What was life like for new immigrants?

it was hard at first cuz they didnt kno anything about it but then the Indians came and help them learned new things.

How did immigrants help pennsylvania prosper?


Why immigrants feel uncertain about accepting outside help?

Immigrants didn't want to except help from the outside because they did not know who to trust. Most immigrants stayed in their own little group or part of the town.

What did ethnic communities help immigrants do?

Immigrants felt safer and felt like they were more at home.