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Q: What were some worldwide historical events with Theodore Roosevelt?
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What major events happened during Theodore Roosevelt's time?

The war

What historical events happened in 1901?

Historical events in 1902: Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first president to ride in an automobile The first Rosebowl game was played The Carnegie Institution, an organization established to support scientific research, is founded in Washington.

What historical events happend while Theodore roosevelt was the president?

Fought against corrupt and greedy corporations, Built up a navy, and The first president to unit a foreign country, Panama.

What were events in Theodore Roosevelt's early life?

He had a bunch of asthma attacks. He liked natural sciences, for his entire life

How did events in Theodore Roosevelt's childhood effect his career?

when i said id fight nude i wasn't counting my bling

Important people or events that molded Theodore Roosevelt's character?

Theodore was close to his mother, as when she died it was sad. His children were also important. What molded his career is his interest in politics. :)

What historical events happened on December 10 between 1601 to 1917?

Many historical events have happened on December 10th, from 1601 to 1917. Some examples include the creation of the mail service between New York and Boston in 1672, the metric system being established in 1799 in Europe, and Theodore Roosevelt being given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

What month has the most historical events of signifcance?

There is no real answer to that. Every month has very historical events and history is something that is worldwide. Something of historicial significance in one country, may not be of any importance of all in another country. The most historical events in your country may be in a particular month, but in another country, its most historical events are in another month. So taking that worldwide, there are major historical events in every month of the year, so you cannot say any one month is most important. Even within a single country, there can be disagreements on the importance of some historical events. Some are more important to some people than to other people.

What events made it easy for Theodore Roosevelt to become Governor of New York?

he made the government better and he did other things that helped other ppl

What significant events in history affected Teddy Roosevelt?

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th US president. Significant historical events before and after he became president are the following:1. The outbreak of the Spanish American War in 1898 placed him in the public spotlight due to his activities with the Rough Riders in Cuba;2. The assassination of President McKinley in 190, caused Roosevelt as the Vice President to become the president; and3. The Russo-Japanese War placed him in the world's spotlight as he negotiated the peace treaty winning him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

What us events happen during Theodore Roosevelt presidential events?

Some major events that happened during the T. Roosevelt Presidency included: Oklahoma admitted as a state (1907), negotiations opened for acquisition of the Panama Canal (1902), Departments of Commerce and Labor created (1902), Corollary to Monroe Doctrine issued (1904), Roosevelt mediates Russo-Japanese Peace Treaty (1905), Pure Food and Drug Act, earthquake and fire destroys San Francisco, CA. (1906), White House Conservation Conference (1908).

How do timelines show historical events or periods?

it can help you understand historical events.