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Q: What were the 5 alternatives the British had regarding the French and Native people in New France?
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Which two countries fought each other in the french and Indian war?

The French and indian war was fought between the French and the British with the American colonies mostly siding with the British and the people living in the Canadian area mostly siding with the French.

What was Joan of Arc's mission?

Her mission was to drive the occupying British army from France and return the French monarchy.

What are the differences between the French and British systems of colonial rule in Africa regarding direct and indirect rule?

They reflect the different government systems in France and Britain. France centralized, Britain decentralized. France secular and disregarding local religions. Britain assuming that local peoples have a faith. French decisions taken in Paris. Decision making taken at a lower and local level in British colonies. Imposition of the Code Civil by France. Tolerance of local laws except in the case of killing and outrageous punishments or customs (e.g. stoning,suttee) by the British. Assimilation of local elites by the French. Assumption that Africans would remain African by the British.

Who fought the French in the French and Indian War?

France, Great Britain, Indians, 13 colonies, New France, and Spanish Florida fought in the French and Indian War.

Why did the british and the french go to war in 1754?

The French and the British went to war because in the beginning both the French and British claimed the land in the Ohio River Valley. France feared that the British would take over the region. The British saw the forts that the French were building as a threat to the British settlers in the area.

Why did France agreed to help the American?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. France had been beaten by the British in the French and Indian War. They were willing to help Americans to embarrass the British.

Are the British located in France?

No, the French are located in France, the British are in Britain, the UK, England Scotland Wales & Ireland, well, most of us are !

Why were french willing to help the American against the british?

The American victory at the Battle of Saratoga convinced France to become an ally of the United States.

What is true regarding the French Indian war?

The French and the British started fighting in North America and also fought in Europe

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What two countries battled for control of Canada?

France and England

What was the effect of the Iroquois decision to help the British in the French and Indian War?

The French expanded New France