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Q: What were the British trying to do with the creation of these acts?
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What is the plural form of creation?

The product of the act of creation is a creation. The products of many acts of creation are creations.

What did the British call the acts?

The Coercive Acts

What are the acts that were passed by British king?

There were a lot of of acts or taxes passed by the British king. Some were the stamp act, the sugar act, intolerable acts, quartering acts, Townshend acts, Tea act, and more. The patriots (people who rebelled against the British) defeated the British in the Revolutionary War who were trying to govern them from England. Because of these acts and the taxes, they rebelled against King George the III. The loyalists (people who stayed loyal to the British) tried to blend in with the patriots when the British lost the war. Some events leading up to this war were the battle of bunker hill witch took place on Breed's hill, the battle of Lexington and Concord and the French and Indian War.

What did the colonists think of these new laws?

If you mean England, the colonists hated the new laws because of the taxes the British were dumping on the colonists and how British was trying to control them. the 13 colonies eventually didn't like the british acts so much that they rebeled.

What are all the british acts?

the british acts were: navagation acts the proclimation of 1763 sugar act(1764) quartering act(1765) stamp act(1765) townshend acts(1767) tea act(1773) intolerable acts(1774)

Who created the acts?

The British Parliament.

Why did the British think the colonist would tolerate the townshend acts when the did not tolerate the stamp act?

in these acts the british leaders tried to avoid some of the promblems the stamp acts caused.

How did the colonists respond to the British intolerable Acts?

You seem a little confused. The British imposed the Intolerable Acts. The colonies responded by defying them.

Who passed the townshend acts?

the British parliament passed the townshend acts

What British acts did the First Continental Congress seek to revoke?

Intolerable Acts

What British law not enforced before 1763?

Navigation Act

Why did the British pass the Intolerable Acts?

The Intolerable Acts (known as the Coercive Acts by the British) were passed in response to the Boston Tea Party. The acts were geared more towards the Massachusetts colony with the intent on punishing them.