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Q: What were the Jews told to wear in night?
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What kind of bread were the Jews told to eat and the night of the last plague?

There was no specific type of bread that Jews were required to eat the night of the last plague.

What are the Jews told at Kaschau from the book Night?

In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the Jews at Kaschau are told to lie about their ages and occupations to avoid being selected for labor or execution. They are also told to appear healthy and strong to increase their chances of survival.

What are the Jews required to wear in the towns to identify themselves in the book Night?

yellow stars

What did the Jews of sighet think of the Germans in the book night?

the jews thought that the germans were awful people. That the germans had brought them to hell. (my english professor told me this answer)

What type of clothing do people in Brunei wear?

they wear they same thing that jews wear and jews wear what bruneins wear

what special things do Jews Jews?

For the hat they wear a skullcap.Then they wear a prayer shawl

What do french Jews wear?

French Jews wear the same clothing as any other person in France. Religious Jews will dress modestly.

What were Jews forced to wear during ww2?

There was the Yellow Star decree which forced Jews in Germany to wear a yellow star, in other regions they had to wear a blue star on a white background. Most Jews in the camps had to wear a prisoner uniform.

Why did the Jews have to wear stars on their shirts?

Jews were forced by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe to wear a yellow star of David so that they can be instantly reconised as Jews.

What is the sign that the Jews had to wear?

they had to wear holocast david stars

What Jews in Germany were forced to wear to identigy them as Jews?

The Star of David.

What were Jews deceived into believing regarding labor camp?

The Jews were told they were being 'resettled'.