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Q: What were the Names of the 3 philosophers and law experts most quoted by the Founding Fathers memoirs when forming the US Constitution?
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How many founding fathers were masons or woodmen of the world?

14 Presidents have been Mason's. Of these were Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison. If you compare the constitution of the United States to the Masonic constitution you will find some things that are alike. Washington was buried with a Masonic funeral and was past Grand Master and Master of his lodge.

This is a group of experts appointed to study the state constitution and recommend changes?

constitutional commission

What section of the constitution outlines the presidents power?

According to experts, section 1 in Article II of the Constitution outlines the executive powers of the President. In addition, this section explains how long the President shall serve along with the Vice President.

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the general belief is that Cleopatras mother was Cleopatra V of Egypt who was either her fathers sister or cousin experts are not sure but they are sure that Cleopatra V and Ptolemy XII Auletes were blood relatives

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How many lawyers are in congress?

WAY too many. I believe the founding fathers attempted to keep lawyers out of Congress, but they weren't successful for long. That's an interesting comment considering that many of them were congressmen and attorneys as well. Attorneys are by trade "law experts". Who better to be making your laws than someone who knows their way around the law and can help keep the legislation out of the courts by writing it write the first time? The U.S. Congress is part of the legislative branch of the government. That was the way our Founding Fathers designed our Constitution. This is only my opinion and I do believe that you have a valid argument about too many attorneys being involved in government. But I don't agree with your statements facts. Steve Kloman Augusta, GA.

Who is writing sambidhan?

The constitution is typically drafted by a group of experts, legal scholars, and representatives who are tasked with designing and shaping the foundational laws of a country. These individuals work together to create and write the constitution, often with input from the public and various stakeholders, to ensure that it reflects the values and principles of the nation.

What does experts exchange do?

Experts exchange help people with the problems they need by sending experts. The experts can help with anything and everything. They are payed to do what they are good at.

When did the First Philippine Constitution of 1899 or the Malolos Constitution lose its effect?

It has never "lost its effect" since it was ratified by a sovereign country known as La Republica Filipina (The Philippine Republic). The Philippine Constitution to date is considered by legal experts as a farce since it was initiated by an occupying power--the United States--through a puppet government that imposed its will and an illegal constitution on the unwilling Filipinos.

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How was the US Constitution adopted?

A 35-member team that included Afghans and foreign legal experts spent a year working on the draft constitution. At a nationwide series of public meetings, nearly a half-million Afghans were asked what they thought should be included in the constitution. The draft was written in relative secrecy and, after several delays, the final version was released in November 2003. Beginning in mid-December, a constitutional loya jirga, or grand council, consisting of a diverse set of Afghan representatives appointed by provincial authorities and transitional government officials, began to debate the document. It was approved after three weeks of council sessions.

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There are many experts who define what reading is. These experts are everywhere and are far too many to name.