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Socrates' method of teaching, known as the Socratic method, emphasized dialogue and questioning to stimulate critical thinking and self-discovery in students. This approach laid the foundation for modern educational practices that prioritize active engagement and inquiry-based learning. Socrates also emphasized the importance of ethical and moral development as integral aspects of education, influencing the inclusion of character development in contemporary educational frameworks.

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Q: What were the Socrates contribution towards modern education system?
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What contributions did Socrates make towards education?

Socrates believed in the importance of questioning and critical thinking in education. He developed the Socratic method, a form of dialogue where a series of questions are posed to stimulate critical thinking and uncover underlying beliefs. This method has had a profound influence on modern education by emphasizing the importance of active learning and inquiry.

Five contribution of Roman education to modern education?

The most obvious contributions of Ancient Greece to modern education would be from the Classical Period, and most especially influential in philosophy and rhetoric. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Isocrates are famous examples of philosophical teachers who helped to shape the future of education.

What was the contribution of Quintilian to modern education?

Quintilian, a Roman rhetorician, emphasized the importance of education in forming well-rounded individuals. His work "Institutio Oratoria" laid the foundation for modern educational theory by advocating for a curriculum that focused on language, literature, and ethics. Quintilian's emphasis on the role of the teacher as a mentor and guide had a lasting impact on the development of educational practices.

John Amos Comenius contribution in Education?

John Amos Comenius was a key figure in the development of modern education. He is known for advocating universal education and creating the first system of schools for children of all social classes. Comenius also stressed the importance of interactive learning and the use of visual aids in teaching.

What are Plato's contribution to early childhood education?

Plato emphasized the importance of early childhood education in shaping a child's moral and intellectual development. He believed that children should be taught through play and hands-on activities, rather than rote memorization. Plato's philosophy influenced the development of the modern concept of early childhood education as a critical stage in a child's overall growth and learning.

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What was the contribution of Quintilian to modern education?

Quintilian, a Roman rhetorician, emphasized the importance of education in forming well-rounded individuals. His work "Institutio Oratoria" laid the foundation for modern educational theory by advocating for a curriculum that focused on language, literature, and ethics. Quintilian's emphasis on the role of the teacher as a mentor and guide had a lasting impact on the development of educational practices.

What was socrates contribution to society?

Socrates contribution to the modern society is imense, and can't be compared. He awakened thinkers, effectively rebutted a central tenant of the sophists, pioneered the use of inductive reasoning to draw logical conclusions,founded scientific method,

Five contribution of Roman education to modern education?

The most obvious contributions of Ancient Greece to modern education would be from the Classical Period, and most especially influential in philosophy and rhetoric. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Isocrates are famous examples of philosophical teachers who helped to shape the future of education.

What are the Greeks contribution on education?

Greek teachers have contributed very vastly indeed where education was considered . To modern education.

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Since the Chinese teach Communism there are no positive contributions.

Contribution of Roman education to Nigerian education?

One contribution of Roman education in modern education is the goal of preparing children for the adult world. Other contributions are a formal education system, higher learning, the Socratic method of teaching, and school holidays.

What is the outstanding contribution of primitive society to education?

the primitive man started the rudiments of education from which evolved the modern educational system

What are the contribution of socrate on education?

Socrates is widely considered one of the most influential figures in the history of Western philosophy. He is remembered for his commitment to seeking the truth and his willingness to ask difficult questions. As a result, Socrates is widely credited with having laid the foundations of modern education. Socrates believed that the foundation of education should be based on asking questions and seeking answers. He encouraged students to question everything and to think deeply about the answers they find. He advocated that knowledge should be based on logic and reason, rather than simply accepting what is taught. This challenged students to consider how their knowledge relates to the world around them and to think critically about the issues at hand. Socrates also believed that education should be tailored to the individual student and that the teacher should be an active participant in the learning process. He encouraged teachers to engage their students in meaningful dialogue and to facilitate a learning environment based on mutual respect. Finally, Socrates believed that education should be a lifelong pursuit. He encouraged students to continue learning throughout their lives, to examine their beliefs, and to seek out new knowledge. He believed that education should never end, and that the pursuit of knowledge should be a lifelong endeavor. The legacy of Socrates’ educational philosophy is still felt today in the classroom. His emphasis on critical thinking and questioning continues to shape the way we learn. His commitment to lifelong learning is a cornerstone of modern education.

Who are the three great modern rationalists?

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

Discuss Contribution to Greece education to modern education?

One of the reasons why western society took a wrong turn is because of Greek education. Aristotle believed that women were not equal to men. He also justified slavery. No matter how credible a scholar seems, one should always critically analyze them. Aristotle might have been a good scholar but he had some major flaws. Socratic discourse. A definition of economics (oeikos) as the management of the (domestic) household Arts and science - little compartmentalization of knowledge A forum and a theatre as public spaces Emergence of schools of philosophy MORE? Are we on the same track? Several countries thru history have led the world with advancements and as each country seemed to go just so far in this cycle it seems then another country then stepped in from where each one left off. Advancement in education and moving to modern living seemed to advance more rapidly where there was freedom to do so. What are the major contributions of ancient education to the modern education? What are the contributions of the Greek and the Roman education systems to our education system (Nigerian education system)? What is the contribution of the Greek and Roman systems of education to Western education? Greek education provided some of the early methods and systems that are still used today in one form or another. Socrates method of inquiry, sometimes called Socratic questioning, is a method that is used in law schools to get to the facts of a matter. While Socrates used this in his quest to find truth and virtue, lawyers and other teachers use it as a way to test the limits of a student’s knowledge. Plato and Aristotle, who both followed Socrates, helped develop the idea of symposiums (symposia), or areas where students would come to learn. You could think of these as early schools of early learning.

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