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Q: What were the Southern Democrats who took over state governments after Northern Republicans left called?
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Democrats called those white southerners who joined the Republican party Scalawags?

Yes. Scalawag was the name used by Southern Democrats for white Southern Republicans who worked in Reconstruction governments.

What group of people did Southern Democrats refer to when they used the word carpetbagger?

Northern whites who moved south and supported the Republicans and freedmen

Why did the whig party expel president tyler from their political party?

Northern Whigs became Republicans, Southern Whigs became Democrats

How did Republicans gain control of the southern governments?

by impeaching Johnson

How did republicans gain control the southern state governments during reconstruction?

The Republicans gain control of Southern state governments during reconstruction by federal forces. This happen from the railroad schemes in the South.

How did republicans gain control of southern state governments during the reconstruction?

The Republicans gain control of Southern state governments during reconstruction by federal forces. This happen from the railroad schemes in the South.

How did white southern democrats respond to the party's support for civil rights?

By turning into Republicans.

Who was the Wormley House Agreement between?

Hayes' Ohio Republicans and Tilden's southern Democrats.

What did the Northern and Southern Democrats support and who were their candidate's?

Northern Democrats supported civil rights and social welfare programs, while Southern Democrats supported segregation and states' rights. In the 1960s, Northern Democrats supported candidates like John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, while Southern Democrats supported candidates like George Wallace and Strom Thurmond.

Which state has the most conservative Democrats?

There are more conservative Democrats in the Southern states. Conservative Democrats, have more in common with Republicans than Liberal Democrats. The state with the most conservative Democrats is the state of Tennessee.

Southern democrats who turned against their party's wet catholic nominee and voted for the republicans in 1938?


Why did the democrats split into the northern democrats and the southern democrats during the election of 1860?

The groups disagree about how slave laws should be decided in the territories