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It established peace, stability and improved prosperity within its empire.

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Q: What were the accomplishments of the Persian Empire under Darius?
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How was the Persian Empire under Darius?

Under King Darius the Great, it was at its peak of peace, prosperity and extent.

When was Afghanistan part of Persian Empire?

Yes, under the Persian King Darius, Afghanistan was part of the Persian Empire because of his conquests for expanding the empire.

The Persian Empire reached its largest territorial boundaries under?


How large did the Persian Empire grow under Darius?

From Libya to Central Asia.

Which city of the Persian empire Appears to be the farthest east?

Under Darius, the Persian Empire extended to the city of Taxila in Central Asia. He was emperor from 521 to 486 BC.

What did Persian king Darius do?

Under King Cyrus, in the 540s B.C., the Persian Empire conquered the lands of Anatolia, Syria, Canaan, and

What did Persian King Darius I do?

Under King Cyrus, in the 540s B.C., the Persian Empire conquered the lands of Anatolia, Syria, Canaan, and

Who was the leader of the Persian Empire that extended it to become the largest empire?

It grew under three kings - Cyrus the Great, his son Cambyses, and Darius the Great.

What is a official who ruled a state in the Persian Empire under Darius?

There were 20 Satraps (provincial governors responsible to the king and his council).

When was the Persian Empire at it height?

About 500 BCE under King Darius the Great who expanded it to its greatest area and established stability and prosperity.

What was the political system of the Persian empire under Darius and Cyrus?

Monarchy overseeing 20 provinces with Persian governors, with traditional local governments of cities, tribes and petty kingdoms.

What was the extent of the Persian Empire under Darius the Great?

From Libya in the west through the Middle East to Central Asia and today's Pakistan in the east.