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Q: What were the benefits and drawback of Levittown's?
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What are Levittowns?

There are 3 in the US. They are post-war rapid build suberban housing estates.

What is an antonym for drawback?

A drawback is a disadvantage. Thus, the opposite (or antonym) of "drawback" is "advantage"

What did Lewis Mumford and Herbert Gans disagree about?

the social impact of Levittown or Whether Levittowns forced conformity

What is the urbanization name for San Juan Puerto Rico?

An urbanización is a neighborhood, sort of like the US' Levittowns...

What was the appeal of levittowns and similar suburban developments?

The homes there were affordable for everyday americans, the lifestyle was appealing and the sense of community there.

What is one drawback of using desktop virtualization?

is no drawback