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Processing, mining, and waste disposal is expensive.

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Q: Which is a drawback to the use of oil shale to produce energy?
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What is a drawback to the use of oil shale produce energy?


What is a drawback to use of oil shale to produce energy?


What kinds of energy does Utah produce and where?

coal on UT CO border. uranium in several places. oil shale.

Why are we not producing oil from oil shale?

The reason that oil shale is not used to produce oil is because this is what keeps the oil well from collapsing after the oil is removed. If the oil shale were mined, the oil well would collapse into a large trench in the ground.

What type of energy is fracking?

Fracking is not energy. It is a method of getting oil out of shale underground.

What are pros and cons of oil shale energy?

Pros: ? Cons: more expensive than pumping crude oil

What is a Colorado resource?

Natural gas, coal, oil shale, Geothermal energy, solar enrgy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy,

What are some energy sources is nonrenewable?

coal, natural gas, oil, oil shale and tar sands, nuclear power

Is shale oil another type of petroleum?

Shale oil is an oil distilled from shales and used as fuel

What is oil thermal power plant?

The oil thermal plant refers to the chemical energy that is stored in the fossil fuel like the natural gas, oil shale, fuel oil, and coal. They are usually successively converted into thermal energy, mechanical energy, and electrical energy.

What is difference between oil shale rock and a rock?

one has oil shale and one dosent

Is shale oil good for your environment?

It does not matter where oil comes from it is bad for the environment shale oil is just a Les efficient source of oil.