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Q: What were the characteristics of Puritan government?
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What was the puritan's government?

the puritan government is religion and law were the same thing and if you didn't obey you were kicked out look to to find more

Who could not serve in the Puritan government Who could?

women were not aloud to serve in puritan governments. But rich males could.

The Puritan system of congregational church government logically led to?

it lead to an authoritarian political government

What was john Endecott form of government?

A self-governed by Puritan leaders.

What three ideas are still in your government that were part of the Puritan lifestyle?

the people

Why was Milton thrown in prison?

because he had served in Cromwell's Puritan government.

Why did the Puritan's find Connecticut?

they felt that the Massachusetts government had to much power

What is the form of government in Massachusetts?

i don`t no but i think it is self government by puritan leaders

Who could participate in the government of the Massachusetts colony?

Only men who were members of the Puritan church could participate in the government

Which person believed that the Puritan church should be separate from the colony's government?

roger williams

In colonial America who famously challenged the authority of a male Puritan government?

Anne Hutchinson

Is it true that single people were given inexpensive lodgings by the government in puritan new England?

No they were not