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The city was overcrowded because everyone had to work and take their children to school. Most people worked in factories in order to earn money.

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Q: What were the cities like in the 1900s?
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in cities

Why did living conditions in cities improve in the 1900s?

building codes were enacted

What developement in the 1900s allowed cities to expand outward?

New railroad lines!

What allowed cities to expand outward in the late 1900s?

New railroad lines!

Why did people move to cities in the 1900s?

People moved to cities in the 1900s for various reasons, including industrialization and the availability of jobs in factories, better access to services and amenities, opportunities for social mobility, and the promise of a more exciting urban lifestyle. Additionally, factors such as technological advancements, urbanization, and immigration contributed to the growth of cities during this time.

Where did immigrants come into the US on the east coast in the early 1900s?

In the early 1900s, millions of immigrants came to East Coast cities such as New York City and Boston. Cities were a popular destination due to the availability of jobs.

Blank were cramped apartment buildings where immigrants lived in cities like New York in the late 1800's and early 1900s?

Tenement(s) is the word you are looking for.

Why were the cities overcrowded in the 1900s?

Cities were overcrowded in the 1900s due to industrialization and rural-to-urban migration. As industries grew, job opportunities in cities increased, attracting people from rural areas. This influx of people led to overcrowding as cities struggled to accommodate the rapid population growth.

In the US many of the reform movements of the early 1900s were primarily the result of?

industrialization and the growth of cities

Why were there so many horses in Australia cities in the early 1900s?

because horse was a delicacy back than...

Why did so many people move to cities in the late 1800s and 1900s?

Many people moved to cities in the late 1800s and early 1900s due to industrialization and the growth of factory jobs. Cities offered better employment opportunities, higher wages, and access to amenities like schools and healthcare that were not available in rural areas. Additionally, advancements in transportation made it easier for people to migrate to urban centers.

In the early 1900s who migrated to northern cities to work on assembly lines in new factories?

African Americans