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Living conditions in a stone keep were often cramped and dark, with limited ventilation and sanitation. Residents would have shared living spaces with livestock and had limited access to natural light. Heating was often provided by open fires, which could be a fire hazard and produce poor air quality.

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What did the stone age people use to keep clean?

Stone age people used water, sand, and natural materials like leaves or animal fur to keep clean. They may have also used tools like shells or bones to scrape dirt and debris off their skin.

What were the Inca's shelter?

The Inca primarily lived in stone structures called "qullqas" for storage or "kanchas" for living quarters. They also built large stone cities like Machu Picchu and intricate terrace farming systems. Additionally, the Inca used materials like adobe bricks and thatch for constructing houses and shelters.

How many people lived in one stone age tribe?

The population of a stone age tribe could vary, ranging from 20 to 100 individuals. Tribe size depended on factors like resource availability, social structure, and environmental conditions.

Can a stone arrowhead be dated by carbon-14?

Carbon-14 dating is not typically used for dating stone arrowheads because carbon dating is primarily used for organic materials like bone or wood. Stone arrowheads themselves do not contain carbon-14, so an alternative dating method, like thermoluminescence dating, would be more suitable for dating stone artifacts.

Why did the people of Skara Brae build stone houses?

The people of Skara Brae built stone houses to protect themselves from the harsh weather conditions and potential threats from outside. Stone houses provided better insulation and durability compared to other materials available at the time, making them a practical choice for their survival and safety.