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Q: What were the critical differences between a southern plantation and a New England town?
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Where were the most large southern plantation located?

New England

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What are the similarities and differences between the three colonial regions?

The similarities between the three colonial regions (New England, Middle, and Southern) include reliance on agriculture, trade networks with Europe, and English colonization. Differences include economies (New England focused on shipbuilding and trade, Middle on trade and commerce, Southern on plantation agriculture), societies (New England had strong religious influence, Middle was more diverse, Southern had a rigid class system), and geographical features (New England had rocky soil, Middle had fertile land, Southern had a warmer climate).

Did the New England and Middle Colonies and Southern Colonies all have slavery?

Southern Colonies had slaves to do their work on the plantation, Middle Colonies had some slaves but they were kinda in the middle, while the New England Colonies had no slaves.

How was education different in new England than in the southern colonies?

As early as 1634 New England had public schools, but the southern states depended on tutoring for the plantation children. Poor people and slaves didn't get any education.

How did religion in new england and the southern colonies reflect larger differences between the regions?

Whereas religion was the basis of life and government in the Northern colonies, the lack of religion in the Southern colonies provided the basis for agriculture.

What were the similarities and differences between the northern and southern English colonies?

similarities are both religious and have the same thought to get fredom and land. Differences are that the temp is hotter in the England then the northern. THIS IS A STUPID ANSWER DO NOT USE THIS!!!!!

Who ruled the ulster plantation?

Ulster Plantation was ruled by King James I of England and VI of Scotland.

What are facts about the ulster plantation?

it was by england n scotland

What type of economy did new england colonies have?


The basis of Southern economy?

The basis of the economy in the Southern American colonies was tobacco and cotton exports. As the colonies expanded westward, and later when much of the South was part of the USA, cotton exports expanded. There was demand for cotton in England as well as in the New England textile mills.

What are the differences between the English colonies?

The English colonies in North America can be broadly categorized into three main groups: New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. New England colonies (such as Massachusetts and Connecticut) were known for their focus on religion, shipbuilding, and trade. Middle colonies (such as New York and Pennsylvania) had diverse populations and were known for their agricultural production and trade. Southern colonies (such as Virginia and the Carolinas) relied heavily on agriculture, particularly cash crops like tobacco and rice, and utilized slave labor in plantation economies.