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Q: What were the differences between the middle ages and the renaissance in the attitude toward wealthy pleasures?
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What were the differences between the middle ages and the renaissance in the attitude toward pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What were the differences between the middle ages and the renaissance in attitude toward the worldly pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What were the differences between the middle age and the renaissance in the attitude towards worldly pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What were differences between the middle ages and renaissance in the attitude toward worldly pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What were the differences between the middle ages and the Renaissance in the attitude toward worldly pleasure?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What were the differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the attitudes toward worldly pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

What is the difference between the middle ages and the renaissance in the attitude toward worldly pleasures?

In the Middle Ages people thought that by denying worldly pleasures was a good thing. During the Renaissance people thought that enjoying worldly pleasures was a good thing.

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