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Q: What were the different perspectives of patriots loyalists and people who were neutral?
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Who were the Patriots Loyalist Tories and Neutral?

The Tories were - Loyalists The Patriots were - Rebels No Neutral team

Were most native Americans patriots loyalists or neutral?

I say they were mostly loyalists.

Were the unmarried ladies of American during the revolutionary war loyalists neutral or patriots?

They were Patriots in the American Revolution.

Did patriots loyalists or neutral people say people who profiteer are traitors to the cause of freedom?


Who were the Loyalists and the Patriots?

During The Revolutionary War, people either sided with the king, loyalists, or people who wanted freedom, patriots. Neutralists were the group who sided with any, they simply did not really care!

John Adams estimated that colonist were split in what way?

One third Patriots, one third Loyalists, and one third neutral

What is the difference between a patriot and a loyalist?

Neutral ^ that's wrong loyalist is someone who was loyal to Great Brittan and a patriot was someone who was against Great Brittan. After the Revolutionary war the patriots won and that is how the 13 colonies became the USA.

Were many southern presbyterians loyalsts or patriots?

Presbyterians in the southern colonies were divided in their political views at the time of the Revolution. Some were loyalists while others were rebels or "patriots," as was true in the mid-Atlantic and New England colonies.

What were most native Americans loyalists or patriots?

Um actually most Native Americans were Neutral meaning would not take the Patriots nor Britains side. They did not believe violence solved anything and tried to stay out of the wars.

During the Revolution War people living in the colonies were often split into three groups- Patriots Loyalists and those who were Neutral. If you live in the coloies during this time explain which gro?


A colonist who opposed the revolution?

The Patriots are the group of colonists that faced hostility.

What are the five different types of loyalists before 1784?

There was only one type of loyalists. They were the people loyal to the king. A colonist was either for the revolution, neutral, or loyal to the king. There were really no gray areas in it.