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Q: What were the earliest English language recordings of 'Jalousie' by Gade?
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Which Earliest known English language that was spoken by people in Great Britain?


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If you played all of the Beatles "original release", English language studio recordings back to back, you have about 10 hours of musical enjoyment.

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When and where was the English first spoken?

The English language developed from a variety of dialects spoken by Germanic tribes who migrated to England around the 5th century. Old English, the earliest form of the language, was spoken in what is now England and southern Scotland.

Is Northumbrian is dialect of the Anglo-Saxon language?

Northumbrian is a dialect of Old English, which is the earliest form of the English language spoken from the 5th to the 11th century in England. Anglo-Saxon refers to the people who inhabited England during this time period and spoke various dialects of Old English, including Northumbrian.

What language came first English or German?

German is considered to be the older language, with its earliest recorded texts dating back to the 8th century. English, on the other hand, began to emerge in its recognizable form around the 5th century.

What 5 languages does English originate from?

Early English was a product of the dialects of the Jutes, Saxons and Angles in its earliest form. Before the Teutonic conquest, most native speakers were Celtic. English is a Germanic language. The Romans brought Latin. The Norman invasion contributed French. A good resource is the book, A History of the English Language by Albert C Baugh.

What has the author Jolene Gear written?

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